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How to plan your website content in 3 simple steps

How to plan your website content in 3 simple steps

Planning and writing content for your website can be one of the most difficult parts of getting your business online.

What should you write? How many pages do you need and which ones? On top of that, your website content needs to be strategic, not just sound nice.

You want your website content to:

  • welcome visitors
  • help them understand what you do and how you can help
  • help them feel comfortable to buy your products or hire you.


To ensure your content is strategic, you need to start with the end in mind. 

This means starting by defining the top 3 goals you have for your website. What results are you hoping to get from your website?

For example, two of the most common goals are: 

  1. getting new clients/selling products
  2. building an audience/list.


Once you’ve defined your goals, you need to figure out how you’re going to meet those goals. 

To do this, ask yourself: In order to reach each goal, what actions do my ideal clients needs to take?

For example, in order to get more clients, your ideal client needs to:

  1. book a consult
  2. fill out an application or call/email you (whichever action works best for you and your business).

If your goal is to build your list, then the action your clients need to take is to sign up to your newsletter.


Once you’ve determined an action for each goal, you need to explore how you can create an ideal environment that will encourage your ideal client to take that action.

Ask yourself:

  • What does my potential client need to know in order to take that action?
  • How can I help my ideal client feel comfortable and confident in taking that action?

It’s in this step that you’ll start to really see what content you need on your website. 

For example, in order for your ideal clients to to book consults (leading to your goal of getting more clients), they will need to feel like they know, like and trust you. 

To accomplish this, you’ll need: 

  • a Homepage that clearly states what you do and who you work with 
  • an About page that shares who you are and helps potential clients relate to you 
  • a Services page that clearly explains your packages and paints a picture of what it’s like to work with you 
  • an application form or calendar for your potential clients to book a consult
  • Optional (but ideal): a blog that demonstrates your expertise and helps to build trust.

Step into your ideal client’s shoes...

Consider how your ideal clients are feeling and what they need... from the moment they first land on your website to the moment they fill out your application form.

Going through this exercise will give you a lot of clarity around what your website needs, as well as how you can give your ideal clients the best possible experience.

And of course, if you’d like help with this process, just reach out!

If you’d like to give this exercise a try, I’ve put together a PDF printable that you can download here.


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