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Encapsulate your visual identity with an iconic Logo & Branding Creation

Simple, refined and highly responsive across all platforms.

First impressions count

Customers generally form their opinion of a business within the first second of their encounter. Often, your logo and company name are the first thing that they see. The colour, font, size and style of your logo says a lot about your business, so you’ll want to make sure that it represents who you are and what you offer. Designerbloom takes the key messages of your business and turns them into a visual icon that will catch people’s attention and encapsulate your brand. 

Flower Company Branding Design
Floral Boutique Branding Design
70s inspired branding design
70s inspired beauty branding design
Logo design on business card | Beauty Salon Branding Design
Logo design used as a pattern on tissue paper | NZ Graphic Design

Project a professional image

As a trained graphic designer and creative thinker I will take your concepts and turn them into a visual form, resulting in a professional logo. As your logo designer I will create your key colours, corporate fonts and your overall style in one simple snapshot, so that you can use it anywhere and everywhere that you can think of!

Your logo is not your brand

A logo and a brand are two separate things. Your logo does play a huge part in giving your brand its identity, it becomes an iconic pictorial representation of your brand: the aspect of your business which people can identify the most easily. All aspects of branding should be done in conjunction with each other so you can move on to creating branded literature, a cohesive web presence, and your own corporate graphic guidelines.

Fashion Branding Designer | Wellington
Therapist Branding Design | Wellington Branding Designer

The importance of a ‘responsive’ logo

A few years ago the concept of altering a logo would have been seen as unprofessional and a sloppy use of branding. But today, with a probability that a logo will be used on anything from a large-scale billboard to a tiny smart watch, it’s vital to have a responsive logo. Responsive logos are designed to display varieties of detail according to the device they are displayed on. By choosing Designerbloom you can rest assured you will have a selection of logos which take these factors in to consideration.

Less is more

A simple logo design is now vital; it must remain clear at different sizes, load quickly, scale elegantly, and have maximum impact. Previous logo trends of 3D effects, detailed illustrations, colour gradients and drop-shadows have been replaced with cleaner aesthetics, replacing detailed decoration with more focused forms. Cutting down the level of detail in a logo leads to greater legibility at smaller sizes.

Logo and Branding for Wall signage | Alexandra Restaurant
Branding for building signage | Auckland Bar and Eatery Logo

See a return on your investment

A professional Logo & Branding Creation will encourage customers to trust you to deliver what they’re expecting. Happy customers are likely to refer their friends and family, so if your well-designed logo represents trust, security and support, you will likely see an upturn in both new and returning customers.

Correct logo formats and variations for all media

As your business grows, you will want to market your brand across various forms of media. This could include everything from printed material to online content, from trade shows and exhibitions to free gifts. As you progress, you’ll find that many creative agencies and printing companies are very strict in the file types which they can use. You’ll be asked for .eps, .png, and .ai files, and the colour requirements are usually very specific. By choosing Designerbloom you will be supplied with all of these file types and a set of logo guidelines including colours and font names used in your logo.

With every Logo and Brand I create I always supply 3 concepts – but what happens to the two not selected? Each logo has gone through a highly thought out client-attracting process. I’ve taken my favourites to repurpose them here for a more affordable branding option.

With Buds to Bloom you can view a collection of identities, have your perfect match tailored to your business name, and get your business beautifully branded within 10 business days!


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