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How to know when you need a rebrand

How to know when you need a rebrand

You dream of…

your ideal clients looking at your branding and website and breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that they have found the person to solve their problems. 

To feel confident to move forward because everything you are communicating tells them you’re going to deliver.

But right now, if someone was to make a first impression from the way you’re presenting yourself, you feel they wouldn’t get you. They wouldn’t feel like they can totally trust you.

You know your brand could be so much more

A professional branding package goes way beyond a slick image for your brand – it cultivates trust and credibility for your business:

  • Give your clients permission to be themselves by being yourself. Make people go ‘yes!’ without knowing exactly why.
  • Stand for something you believe in and inspire others to do the same.
  • Feel like a friend, even though you haven’t met.
  • Inspire others to transform.

​You want your brand to feel seamless and sophisticated

You feel that your branding doesn’t reflect you anymore. It isn’t positioning you as an expert. It feels awkward, uncomfortable and it has kept you playing small.

You’re at a stage in your business where you are over DIYing or cobbling together stop-gap measures that aren’t working. You’re beyond ready to hand things over to a professional.

You’re looking for your perfect design partner, who will take the time to understand your vision and has a track record of delivering great rebrands for clients just like you.

Designerbloom can help!

You’ve probably been thinking that you need to have all the answers upfront for EXACTLY what you want or you’re going to waste your money. 

I don’t expect you to have EVERYTHING figured out before you hire me. I know my clients are not graphic designers and I don’t expect them to be. I know you may not always have the language to articulate what you want. 

Instead, I have tailor-made a process which draws it out of you step by step and I won’t end the branding process until you are IN LOVE with the outcome.

If you feel I'm the right designer to help you grow your business please get in touch!


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